Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Such an awesome weekend...

We're back.. from an awesome long (and romantic.. hehe..) weekend in Paris!!! The weather was nice and warm and we walked around every day from 9AM until 6PM.. so perfect!! Unfortunately we were not able to go up the Eiffel Tower since the waiting lines were about 2 hours.. a little too long for us.. hehe.. Buuut.. we've done everything we wanted to do.... such a bummer the weekend went by so fast!! Sooo.. here's a little impression of our days in Paris (geesh..wish I could go back directly..LOL) ....

Since I didn't get to do any scrapping lately I'll leave you all with 2 more cards that have been pubbed in the previous issue of Cards Only Magazine (also from the Cuttlebug article I wrote) Patterned paper: Sassafras Lass:

And here's the 2nd one...

I'm having some real busy weeks ahead...October will be breast cancer awareness month.. and since I'm working at the Oncology department of a Pharmaceutical company overhere in The Netherlands we're taking care of all kinds of special events during the upcoming month. Right now I'm organizing (together with my collegues) a biiiiig fundraising walk which will take place next Sunday. I'm so excited that we've been able to get over 200 registrations for this amazing event.... So good to get some attention this way for this awefull desease...

Ok, gotta run.. I have a big pile of laundry 'calling' me.. hehe.. sooo..I'd better run.. hehe!

Thanks again for stopping by!!!



Rozella Meijer-Kern said...

Zo te zien heb je een heerlijk weekend gehad en oh wat heb je het getroffen met het weer. Het was heerlijk...je kaartjes heb ik al in het magazine bewonderd. Erg leuk zijn ze. Veel succes met de organisatie voor dit goede doel.

Anonymous said...

J' espère que tu as passé un excellent séjour sur Paris !!! c'est une ville superbe pour des vacances, car il parait que pour y vivre c'est une autre histoire ....
Je serai tellement contente de pouvoir te rencontrer un jour, et pourquoi pas un jour à Paris sur un week end ???
Grosses bises à plus.StéphanieCH

**Nancy** said...

I love the pics, Nancy!!! Looks like you guys had a fab time!!! And of course, your cards are beautiful as always!!

Jingle said...

I LOVE these cards! What wonderful colors! And your pics make it look like you had a great time!!! What wonderful photos!

Marjolein said...

Oh man.... Paris is such a wonderful city! Great photos.. I've been there once and I loved it!

Good for you to organize a fundraising, it's a big thing here too, like a Run for the Cure, with lots and lots of people participating!!!
Have a great week!

Fiorella said...

Yes Paris is magic!! I love it...and love your cards too, what magnificent colours!

Laura Davis said...

Oh it looks like you had a wonderful weekend! You two are darling together:)
I adore your cards!!

Anonymous said...

`Gorgeous` as always Nancy..Glad you had a great time:)~X~

Lisette Gibbons said...

Your pictures of France are beautiful, makes me want to go there. I love your cards too. Those papers are so yummy. xox

M@ureen said...

Looks like a great weekend! Nice pictures too!

Caroline said...

Ohhh, heerlijk, Parijs ! Ik ben met mijn dochter in Augustus geweest en krijg helemaal heimwee als ik je foto's zie. Ik was nog wel even naar Le Temple Du Scrap geweest ;-)
Schitterende kaarten, uiteraard al gezien in Only Cards maar een feest om ze weer te zien !
Groeten Caroline

Mia said...

Looks like you guys had a wonderful time! I absolutely LOVE both of your cards!!! You always blow me away with your beautiful creations! TFS!!! :-)

Kristin Fields said...

Cute new cards and pics of Paris. Something kind of funny is that I just got a new neighbor and she is from Paris, France. She is actually here visiting her daughter for awhile. She came over to say hello, but there was a huge language barrier. Do you have any quick sayings you could teach me in French. I would love to learn a few things to say to her. =)
Have a good week.

Knutselfreak said...

Kan me voorstellen dat je, bij het zien van de foto's, gelijk weer terug wilt naar Parijs. Ook ik vind het een heerlijke stad. Succes met het organiseren. En je kaartjes zijn weer geweldig.
Liefs, Selma

Je@net said...

Oooh, wat een prachtige foto's Nancy!! Fijn dat jullie zo genoten hebben!! Heerlijk!
Je kaartjes waren super, elke keer weer genieten als het nieuwe blad in de bus ligt!
Zie je gauw weer!!

Alice said...

Hi Nancy!!
Paris is wonderful, so romantic. I have been there in February, for Saint Valentine' S Day ... It has been an unforgettable vacancy! We had a dinner on the first floor of the Eiffel Tower on February 14th ... I got tears if I think about that moments :)
And very nice cards!
See you,

Ingrid said...

Gorgeous pics, girlie. Paris is a beautiful city. You and Pascal were so lucky with the weather. Your cards are beautiful....as ever!

Talk to you soon.


Anonymous said...

tu sembles avoir eu un beau séjour à Paris!!!!! j'aime tellement cette ville aussi...pour les vacances!!!!!
c'est une merveilleuse capitale!!!!
tes deux cartes sont très belles aussi!

Anonymous said...

Your pictures are FABULOUS!!!! I love them!! The cards are to die for as usual!! My family just did the breat walk out here in Newport Beach last weekend..both my mother in laws suffer from it. I am do glad all the dutchies are doing it too!! Good luck and have fun!!

Frences said...

Wauw, Parijs, krijg ook heimwee, mooooooi he. En nu lekker scrappen met zulke mooie foto's, dat moet vast en zeker lukken, leuk!!

Anonymous said...

How romantic - a weekend in Paris. I can only imagine in my wildest dreams all the way over here in Wyoming, USA. I'm a breast cancer survivor of 7 years and am so happy that you have a part in helping to eradicate this horrible disease. Thanks Nancy - you're awesome! :)

Fink said...

I am glad you had a good time in Paris! I would love to see the Eiffel Tower. Just saying hi! Hugs

nora said...

Wat een leuke foto's Nancy ,en je kaartjes zijn ook top.Fijn weekend groetjes Nora

Romy said...

Wat een prachtige foto's. Frankrijk is ook zo'n geweldig land! Het is de eerste keer dat ik je blog zie, maar ik heb je lay-outs en kaartjes al vaak in Creatief met foto's gezien. Erg mooie spullen maak je! En je kleuren zijn super.

*~SCRAP-GEK~* said...

oooooh gave foto's joh!!! fijn dat je zo'n super weekend hebt gehad!!! je kaartjes zijn ook weer helemaal leuk! fijn weekend alweer! LOL! groetjes marije.

Marlou McAlees said...

great photos Nancy, delighted you enjoyed Paris, :) and two beautiful cards!!! hugzz xx

Hanneke van der Linde said...

Gave foto's zeg!! Ik wil ook ooit nog eens naar Paris..... :o)

Fijn weekend!!

XxX Hanneke

Karin said...

Looks as you had great days in Paris! Love your cards as always! Wish you good luck with the fundraising!

paulien710 said...

Sooooo glad you guys had an amazing weekend!!!!!!! and those pics.... wow... they look good!!! for sure!

Love those cute little cards!!!!

I wanna wish you the best of luck, with all the things that are coming up, this month.... Great goal.

Marianela said...

With this card you won a fan! So really cute!