Soo.. since I didn't have time to go upstairs and have some well deserved ME time..I'll show you 2 more little cards that have been pubbed in the previous issue of Cards Only magazine. Yup.. I've tried to work with other colors than usually.. just for fun..and somehow I kinda like how they turned out.. really soft with some glittery touches. Here's the first...
And here's the 2nd....
Oohhh..and look who I also visited yesterday... my niece..little miss Demi!!! Just can't believe that in 2 months she'll be 1 year old already!!!!! She's so funny with her little voice.. trying to talk to us and showing us everything with her little finger.. awww.. I'm in loooooove.. hehe..

On another note.. I'll be off to Paris on Friday!! YAY! Pascal gave me this (romantic...hehe) city trip for my 30th birthday back in August.. Just can't wait!!
Gotta run.. talk to you soon and thanks for stopping by!!
Hi Nancy,
Your cards are gorgeous, as always :)
Hope you are all right and that your knees do not hurt anymore :)
Habe a good week.
O wat zijn je kaartjes weer mooi en je nichtje is o zo schattig. Gr Marja
Ouch, Nancy that must have hurt. I love your cards. I especially love the colours of the first one. xox
AU .... dat viel niet mee denk ik!!!
De kaartjes zijn ontzettend gaaf en weer een echte Nancy uitgave!
Wow naar Parijs, wat heerlijk!
Hi Nancy, oh I am sorry you fell! I hope your sore knees are better soon! Your cards are stunning & your niece is darling!
Have fun in Paris!
Hi Nancy, just found my way to your blog, although I've always looked for your LO's and cards on 2peas!! You always creations are always amazing and very inspiring!
I just realized my last sentence didn't make And sorry about the scraped knees. :(
Auch....that must have hurt so much! I know the feeling, but did you have a nice relaxing hour anyway?
Love the cards, totally different colors, but I like these a lot!
Your niece is a real cutie, and almost having her first birthday, man, time really flies!
A trip to alone or.... with Pascal?
Have a great week!
Yep, a little (or a lot) of glitter is good for any girl...beautiful cards, AND neice :)
I hope your knees heal quickly! I love both of your cards, but I especially love the first one. Great color combination. Great work, as always!! :-)
I hope you feel better and your knees will recover before your trip to Paris...I'm a bit envious...gorgeous card, thank you
Hoop dat het snel over gaat. Gelukkig alleen maar je knieeen en niet je gezicht of handen. Je kaarten zijn weer super. En je nichtje is zo'n schatje. Alweer bijna 1 jaar! Time fly's...
Groetjes, Selma
OUCH!! I hope you heal quickly girl!
Your cards - well they always WOW me. THESE especially!!
What a FUN trip you're going on!! Have LOTS and lots of fun!
Gave kaarten weer Nancy en wat vervelend dat je gevallen bent. Wow Parijs how awesome en je nichtje is bijzonder lief.
Hetty xx
I love the colors of those cards!
Auw, falling on your knees, and quiet hard, otherwise your jeans wouldn't be dammaged...
That beautytreat must have been sooooooo welcom after that LOL.
Nancy - these cards are spectacular!!! Just love them all!
OOh Nancy..I hope your knees are better, when you leave to Paris............have fun!!!
grretings Marga
hoi Nancy, jeetje...wat een gedleo met je kapotte knieen! ik hoop dat het gauw weer beter gaat1!oeps...
enne...waar blijven die foto's van je scrapkamer, je maakt me nu wel heel nieuwsgierig hoor1 hihihi!
je kaartjes zijn natuurlijk weer helemaal gaaf1
en je nichtje!!! jeetje..wat word Demi al groot zeg! WOW! bijna jaar alweer...time flies!
werkse nog een paar daagjes en WAUW, dan lekker naar Parijs! super veel plezier meis!
groetjes marije.
Yikes! I hope your knees heal soon!! Adorable cards, as usual!! Have fun in Paris!
Oh wat een schatten van kaartjes weer Nancy. Heel leuk!!! Ik weet niet of ik je nog zal spreken de komende dagen maar voor het geval van niet. Heel veel plezier in Parijs he, geniet er van! Dikke knuf.
Wauw, je gebruikt dit keer andere teinten, die zijn ook leuk zeg!!
Helemaal mijn smaak!
En klinkt pijnlijk je knieen....beterschap!
Groetjes Frences
You poor little thing, wonder if you ever got to your beauty appointment? Love those cards, as always, and especially the one on the top, it has a very romantic look. Speaking of romantic, I wish you a wonderful trip to Paris, my husband and I went there in February, and we have decided to go back soon again, you can never have to much of that wonderful city.
Oh I love your cards and have fun on your trip! What a sweetie you have there to take you on such nice trips!
Nancy! I've been wondering how you are doing! It was so nice to hear from you. And then I find out you've been trippin' up and scraping your knees! LOL!! Poor thing! Hope you got pictures to scrap!
Your cards are beautiful as always. I like the 'soft' touch. very nice.
Take care of yourself, by yourself a big ice cream cone and watch out for cords! LOL!
those cards...Yammie colors!
hope your knees are healing alreay!
And that little cutie... So sweet!
Aww.. Demi is SO cute!! Love those cards, seriously awesome stuff!! Have fun on your trip, hope you come back *very* happy! ;)
Oh, and hope you heal quickly. Ouch!!
These are both gorgeous! You rock! :D
OMG! I LOVE those cards! You are just so amazing! Your neice is so beautiful and she is getting so big. Have FUN on your trip. You are a lucky (and well deserving) gal! :-)
The last card in pink, was sooo lovely :) Love it!
Hey Nancy! Those cards are beautiful and little Demi looks precious... hope you are not sore anymore! Enjoy your wonderful Parisian escape! HUGS!
oh balen dat je gevallen bent en nu geschaafde knieen hebt :-S Gaat het inmiddels alweer een beetje ?!
De kaartjes zijn weer erg mooi maar ik had ze al gezien in de Cards Only ;-)
De foto's van je nichtje zijn weer supercute ! Ze wordt al groot zeg !
Groetjes Marsha
Gorgeous cards, the choice of colours and little details really make them special.
Hope your knees healed in time for the trip to Paris.
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