Yup.. time in Phoenix went by waaaaaayyyy too fast!!!! Just cannot believe we're here already a week and that we'll be leaving tomorrowmorning to fly to Las Vegas (to make some big $$$$.. whahahahaha.. I wish!!)
We had a pool-party here at Janice her house yesterday! Soooo much fun!!! And finally I got to meet my sweet little scrappy-online friend Kimberly too!!!!! She's such a sweetie!!! (thanks for stopping by girlie!! XOXO).....and her work totally ROCKS!!!!! Go check her out girls!!!! We've had a blast together!!! And yup.. we had to take some pics too...hehe...!!!!
I've been working on another little card for Scrap4life(Dreamstreet is our Sponsor for this upcoming month!).. but unfortunately I cannot show you the whole card yet.. so here's a little sneak peek of it.. 
And I was tagged twice during the last couple of days by Malin (for the "Nice matter award")and by Mimosa (for "Rockin' Girl blogger"). Thank you so much girlies! I'm so honored.. your work ROCKS too! As I'm on vacation at this moment, and I'm not having too much time behind the internet, I wont tag anyone back at the moment.. so sorry for that!!!!
Well, I'd better run now as we need to get up very early in the morning!!! I'll try to update again later this week as I don't think we'll have internet access in Vegas (we'll be gambling instead of being on the internet I guess.. whahaha.. wish us luck)
Talk to you all soon!!
How exciting that you finally got to meet Kimberley too. Have fun in Vegas and hope you are lucky there.
Nancy...You are seriously the sweetest EVAH! I have so enjoyed getting to meet you in real life and get to know you more! YOU are such a BLESSING!xoxo
I hope you have a wonderful time on the rest of your trip...I can not wait to see what GORGEOUS creations you will make with all the AWESOME photographs you take! xoxo Loves to you and Pascal...and see you in the morning before you head off to Vegas to win BIG TIME!xoxo
How nice to meet scrapfriends so far away. Have a great time in Lag Vegas.
wish you tons of luck for vegas!! will check out the girls blogs!! your pictures togethet are too sweet!!
tes photos sont toujours très lumineuses
bravo !!
Woohoo Las Vegas!!Dont forget to bring back that Jackpot sweety!!
zo te horen hebben jullie echt een super vakantie zeg! gaaf hoor! en wat leuk dat kimberley eindelijk ontmoet hebt! helemaal toppie! heel veel plezier in las vegas.....en ik hoop dat je flink wat scrapcentjes gaat winnen! LOL! veel plezier nog! groetjes marije.
Have a great vacation and I love that little card sneak peak!
Have fun in Vegas! Looks like AZ was a blast-gorgeous pictures of you three!
I love Vegas too. I can't wait to re visit it soon. Have a great time and hope you win big...so great you met a new scrappy friend from on-line...
I am so happy to read you are having so much fun! Good for you girlie!! And your sneak is looking very exciting!!
Leuk om je vakantieverhalen op je blog te lezen ;-) Veel plezier in Vegas en hopelijk winnen jullie nog een leuk bedrag :-D Kan je weer nieuwe scrap-spulletjes kopen ;-)
Mooie sneak-peak ben nieuwsgierig naar de hele kaart :-D
Je te souhaite beaucoup de $$$ Nancy! Une personne que je connais a remporté pas mal de $$$ la dernière fois qu'il y est aller. Imagine, assez pour repayer son voyage à Végas...et s'en payer un autre. Je t'en souhaite autant ma chère!!!
Girlie, you are just having such a great time. Good for you. Thanks for stopping by. It's nice to hear from you. Stopped by Kimberly's...she seems totally sweet and great art. Anyway, have fun in Vegas.
woooow veel geluk in Las Vegas!! en de sneak van je kaart is weer helemaal top, ben benieuwd naar het totale plaatje! leuk om weer wat van je te horen Nancy, nog veel plezier!!!
Wow! Sounds like you have had a blast visiting scrappy friends in Phoenix! Have fun in Vegas, win lots of $$$$ and take lots of pics to scrap back home! :-)
NOOOOOOOOOOO i want to come tooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... You bad girl... Having fun without me LOL...
enjoy your trip honey. You totally deserve it
You lucky girl - getting to meet Kimberly in person!! You girls look fab together and best of luck in Vegas!!!
Wow you met Kimberly!! Must be enjoyable!! Love the gorgeous peek!!
Have fun in Vegas and wish you luck ;-)
WOW! C'est tellement cool de rencontrer ses scrapcopines du monde!!! You are lucky! Je suis impressionnée de voir que tu trouves le temps de scrapper même en voyage!!! LOL!!! Bonne semaine à Vegas and don't spend to much money!!!
wow..vegas..have fun there!! :)
Looks like you are having a GREAT time!!!
Hugs from Sanna
Looks like your are having the best of times Nancy!! Enjoy!!
Nancy!! You look like you are having such a good time. You gotta come to Australia next time girlie!!
Hey, congrats on your big news too!! I am so excited for you. I knew you'd make it onto the team!!
Congratulations Nancy and It is nice to see you having a GREAT tme!!! ~XOXO~
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