Just a little post to let you all know that we're still having a great time here in Arizona.. we're still not used to the warm (uhmm..I mean HOT) weather overhere.. but that's ok.. hehe..!!
Right now we're back in Phoenix, doing fun stuf and relaxing a little bit.
Yesterday evening Pascal went out for a Baseball Game while the girls stayed at home.. and you know what we did???? SCRAPBOOKING!! YAY!!! I had to do some assignments for Scrap4life (so here's a little sneakpeek of the layout.. including a little picture of me scrapbooking.. hehe..)
Oh and I'm having a little TOOT too!!! Remember this post where I showed you all a layout that I did for a contest at 3bugs?? Well, I got the 3Bugs newsletter this week and guess what?? I won!! WOOHOOO!! So happy about that (and thanks Ingrid for pointing it out to me too!)Thanks again Janice for having us over at your house! We're having so much fun! You're such a sweetie!!! XOXO

It's passed midnight overhere now.. so it's really time for me to go to bed now!!! Thank you so much for stopping by and for your sweet comments!!!XOXO
Hi sweetie :)
Congrats to you!!! But im not surprised, you do some amazing stuff!!
Take a look in my blog, you´v been tagged :)
Hugs Malin
fijn dat jullie het zo leuk hebben! ben benieuwd naar je scrapcreaties!!! en gefeliciteerd met je prijs! gaaf joh! veel plezier nog op vakantie! groetjes marije.
We all loved your page!!! It was easy to vote! Glad you're having so much fun!
Un petit coucou depuis mon travail, car notre ordi est "planté". Alors en attendant d' en avoir un tout neuf, j'en profite pour t' envoyer un petit mot.
Je suis ravie de voir que vous profitez au maximun de vos vacances, c'est génial !!! et de voir aussi que tu scrappes, de belles choses je suis sure... Mon dieu que j' aimerais être à tes côtés pour voir tes petits secrets ....Bientôt !!!
Grosses bises à plus.
Hey sweetie, good to hear that you are having such a wonderful time. Love the pictures of your trip. I am sure you will come up with some great LOs again. CONGRATS on the 3Bugs contest. Wooohooo!!
Take care, Ingrid
Big congrats Girl !! So talented ;o))
Gefeliciteerd dat je de wedstrijd hebt gewonnen maar dat kan ook haast niet anders ;-) Die LO is helemaal geweldig, net als de andere LO's die je maakt :-D
Geniet maar lekker van het mooie weer in Amerika, hier is het nog steeds slecht :-S Mijn vakantie is nu ook begonnen (een weekje) maar ik hoop dat het donderdag en vrijdag redelijk weer is want dan gaan we 2 dagen naar Valkenburg ...
Fijne vakantie nog !
Glad you have such a great time! And congrats on 3Bugs, great! :)
gefeliciteerd dat je gewonnen hebt!
en fijn dat alles zo naar je zin is en ben benieuwd wat je zoal gemaakt hebt!
veel plezier!
Im so pleased you are having a fab time. Im so looking forward to seeing the page you were working on in the picture, it looks cool!!!
Tu passes du bon temps en Arizona à ce que je vois. :D Je profite du moment pour te féliciter pour ton toot!!!
Tu travailles tellement bien...ça devait bien arriver han? :D
À bientôt Nancy!
Hey ! Congrats Nancy for the challenge ! Your layout was beautiful so it's not a surprise !
Hugs !
your pics are SO cute!!! CONGRATS on your layout! WOO HOO that's awesome!! I bet you're having a GREAT time! Sure wish Texas was part of your trip!
Sweety its so good to hear you are having a blast!!Great pictures,its really fun to follow your "little journey" in Arizona :D
p.s.congrats on the toot sweety!
Hey Nancy,
Looks like you guys are having such a blast here in the States! You should come visit us in Miami next time! LOL! Love the cute photos and CONGRATS on the 3Bugs contest! Yeah!
Congrats Nancy!! Looks like you are having so much fun over there!!
Congrats girlie, you totally deserve it!!!
Wat gaaf dat je gewonnen hebt!! Gefeliciteerd joh!!
En wat leuk om je zo te zien scrappen...sneakie ziet er goed uit ;-)
Nog veel plezier!!
We are having so much fun with YOU here in our home! I am going to miss you like crazy when you go! but... we have another weekend together in San Diego!! Yay!!
Geflappiciteerd ! ben benieuwd naar je creaties! Hyeerlijk tijdens je verblijf in het buitenland scrappen. Geeft mij altijd nieuwe inspiratie. helamaal in het land van het scrappen lijkt me!
weheee!! congrats to you!!
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