This first challenge is all about TIME. What does it mean it to you? You can think of something in your past, a week in your life, a moment in time that means a lot to you or just an altered clock. Check out our BLOG for more information and to see what the rest of the girls have created!! (it's in English and Dutch) This past week all girls have been introduced on the blog as well..
Here's what I came up with.. a layout about my niece's first birthday back in November.. Journaling reads: time is flying by so fast.. 1 year old already..
Here's a closer look at it..
And some details...
Thanks again for stopping by and for your lovely comments!!!!
Wouw...wat een schitterende LO van je nichtje! Kijk even op mijn blog...heb je getagged.
Groetjes, Selma
It is just perfect Nancy, love everything you do!!
Hugs xx
wow qu'elle est divine ta page, j'adoore tout ce concentré de couleurs
elle est parfaite bravo nancy
Ik zag de challenge op het blog, gaaf hoor!!
Jouw uitwerking is prachtig, een super mooie LO weer!!
Fijne zondag!
Ha, ha, ik keek meteen of er ook rozen en cirkels op je LO zaten en toen pas naar het geheel.
Helemaal de schuld van je interview in de CmF!
Mooie LO! Heel vrolijk en feestelijk!
I came across your blog at Scrappy Times and I stayed to admire your work!! Awesome blog and you have amazing talent!!!
What a cool challenge! I definately will be trying this one. I am always up for a good challenge to get the creative juices flowing! Thanks so much for the RAK! It is awesome! Very true and no secret that I adore all things Junkitz! Thanks again. You are vry sweet!! :-)
Lovely birthday layout! You do such awesome work! I just did a first birthday layout of my granddaughter!
I'll be back soon!!
Nancy, I love the way that you display the elements. I lifted one of yours pages, I'll post and tell you. I love your circles!!!
I think the Nancy that win the CHA giveaway in The Scarlet Lime is you!
Kisses from Brazil!
A award for you on my blog.
i love everything you do !!!
gaaf Nancy :D!
Wat een gave lo Nancy! Heb vanmiddag al even een kijkje genomen op jullie nieuwe challenge blog, wat een gave uitwerkingen zeg. Mijn complimenten hoor. Ga ook zeker proberen om een gaatje te vinden om mee te doen!
ewwww i am goign to go check out the challenge blog your page nancy it's gorgeous
Wat een mooie layout weer! Vrolijke kleurtjes ook. Ik ga proberen om mee te doen aan de challenge. Leuk initiatief!
Absolutly `Beautiful` Nancy..
Wow time does fly..Demi is growing up so quick..She is a real `cutie pie`..
Have a lovely wekk sweetie:)~X~
Hi Nancy...thanks for visiting my blog the other day. I am loving this layout and can't wait to get home to start on my challenge layout...You have been tagged so please pop over to my blog for further details...have a fabulous week. Hugs!
Wat een mooie LO.
Ik heb je blog nog niet zo lang geleden ontdekt en vind je werk super.
We hebben je daarom op het Scrappy Times forum als Artist of the Month February gekozen!
Groetjes Jacqueline
This is a gorgeous LO Nancy :)
spannend he!!
vind hem super mooi geworden!!
Hoi Nancy,Wat een mooie LO heb je weer gemaakt,echt top.Groetjes Nora
Awesome layout!! It´s so cute with those great photos!
Oh Nancy this is just gorgeous, you have such a way with colours. I love the simplicity of your LO's and cards. You can see the beautiful photos and the beautiful sentiments that are meant to be seen, not all the embellishments. You are so talented, I Love your style.Luv Shaz xoxo
PS I wish I could read the other languages but I know they could only be positive comments about your talent. LOL
Isn't it exciting?? I so love it!!!!
Love your page too!!
beautiful layout...
gorgeous Nancy!
Ik vind je lootje helemaal geweldig!!
wat een schitterende lo Nancy ,heb je gemaakt.
liefs Riet.
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