Yeah.. I'm almost off to France for 4 entire days!! WOOHOOO!! We're leaving on Friday to visit my grandparents and we'll be visiting some friends too who are in the neighborhood at that same moment! So excited about that! It sounds like it's going to be awesome weather too... I'm charging the battery of my camera already.. that way I'm sure to come back with a looooot of pics!!! We'll be back on Tuesday in the course of the day.
I hope you're all having a great week until so far! My week is kinda busy.. so not too much time to sit down and have some time for myself unfortunately... I did started working on a layout with some Doodlebug goodies (all pink.. hehe.. yup.. my favorite color). Did you see their new sugar coating glitter stuff??? I think I'm having a new addiction now!!!! I'm so excited that CreativeXpress added these yummie goodies to their online store, I had to order almost every single color.. hehe... LOOK... YUM YUM YUM:

I've created this little layout (which I've framed) for a friend who had her 2nd babyboy in October! I've worked with colors of their nursery (and I've used the poem from their birth announcement)....
And.. I've played with some Junkitz goodies too... I'm still so sad that Junkitz had to close their doors!!!!! I sooo love working with these fun and bright products!!!!!
Thanks again for stopping by and for your sweet sweet comments. I'll try to update before leaving.. otherwise I hope to see you all back next Tuesday!!!
I'm not quite sure what I love more: France or your scrapstyle... I think it's probably a toss up!
You really rock the bright colours - O wish I could take a class from you!! :D
Une superbe page et une jolie carte !!!!!! Qu'est ce que j'aime venir sur ton blog !!!!!!
Tu viens en France ????!!!!!! J'aurais peut être un jour l'occasion de te rencontrer ??!!!
J'ai hâte de voir ta page toute rose !!!!! c'est aussi ma couleur préférée !!!!!
Bon séjour chez nous !!!!!!!!
Have a good trip to France! I'm so excited that we've booked a holiday to France (it's been years ago since the last time).
What a great gift!
Have fun in France! Love that little LO!
Enjoy the trip, travel safe :)
LOVE The layout!!
I just love your style! That LO and card are fabulous. Have a safe trip to France...I'm so jealous!
What a cutie Tim! I like your card as well. Good to see you being a busy bee again. xox
have a great time in france!! what a cute layout!!
BEautiful layout and card! Wish you a great time in France! :)
Nancy je hebt weer leuke dingen gemaakt he?? Ik vind het ook zo vreselijk jammer dat Junkitz gestopt is, zodra ik het hoorde heb ik nog snel wat extra spulletjes gekocht nu-het-nog-kan... veel plezier in Franktijk!
have a fabulous time in France ~Nancy!!!! and love your layout and card, so so beautiful!! :) xx
Wow! France...have fun! Love that scrapbook layout/frame! And I didn't realize Junkitz closed there doors. Everywhere I look, there you are published with it! That IS sad. Love your bright fun style!
Bon voyage, Nancy. HAve a great trip!
mais tu vas où en france?
le nord le sud ??
bon voyage
It looks great again. Have a lovely weekend with beautifull wether. Have a nice time in France. Bye Bye...
I will look forward to see what you make of the sugarcoating. I am sure it will be awsome like all your other things!
THe layout is so so sweet and the card is LOVEly!
Hugs from Sanna
wat een gave dingen heb je weer gemaakt Nancy, dat spul van Doodlebug ziet er gaaf uit ben benieuwd wat je daar mee gaat doen! veel plezier in Frankrijk!
Wat een heerlijk vooruitzicht Nancy! Geniet maar lekker van je vakantie!
Lootje en kaart zien er weer super gaaf uit!!
Mooie creaties weer Nancy! Mooi cadeau voor je vriendin! Zal ze vast erg blij mee zijn!
Gaaf hè die glitter van Doodlebug. Ik heb ook al een aantal kleurtjes hier staan. Je hebt ook zo'n leuke set met ALLE kleurtjes in hele kleine potjes.... die zijn leuk!
Veel plezier in Frankrijk!!!
je te passe le tag que je viens de chopper ! va voir mon blog!
Have fun in France. What a sweet gift you created and indeed it's sad that Junkitz closed their doors. They sold bright stuff.
Je kaartje en LO'tje zien er weer geweldig uit!
Veel plezier in Frankrijk!
Have fun in France!!! Love the stuff you've made!!!
It seems like you found your mojo again. I really like your layout and card. I played with your Junkitz papers too this week. Made a birthday card.
Have a wonderful time in France, and I already look forward to the bottles of mayonaise. :-))
Mooie lo is het Nancy!! Je kaartje is ook weer super schattig!! Veel plezier in Frankrijk!!
BEAUTIFUL projects nancy! I hope you have a wonderful time! xx
Beautiful layout and card, have a wonderful time in France, kiss from México.
What a superb card! I just love the colors!!!! That glitter sure looks worth checking into! Happy Valentines day!
Veel plezier in Frankrijk, geniet maar lekker. En wat een leuke layout voor je vriendin en die kaart ga ik liften. Ik heb dat papier ook nog liggen en vind je kaart erg leuk. Bedankt weer voor je inspiratie.
Groet, Joke
ooooh Nancy, je bent waarschijnlijk al weg, maar ik wil je heel veel plezier wensen in frankrijk...super joh! geniet er maar lekker van! je kaartje en je layout zijn beiden weer prachtig!!! WAUW! groetjes marije.
Your card and layout are STUNNING again! And have a good trip to France!
A big HUG from me!
Tu es en France!!! Mais pourquoi ma Bretagne est-elle si loin de l'est de la France!!!
Bonnes vacances et profite bien de ta famille!!!
Ik hoop dat je een super leuke tijd hebben gehad an France en je cra's mogen er ook weer meer dan wezen ;o) helemaal leuk zijn ze !!
just stunning as always Nancy:)x
what an awesome birthday card! Beautiful baby boy....lovely layout! I have only bought the clear doodlebug sugar glitter, and I love it!
OOOHH!! Ta page et ta carte sont superbes!!! J'adore l'association des couleurs et elles sont si cré&atives!!!
Oh que oui, j'aime le rose!!!surtout celui qui brille! ;-)
Ik zie altijd leuke dingen op je site. Veel plezier in Frankrijk. Bon voyage!
Lovely card! I love your cards and your use of colours!
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