Monday, December 3, 2007


The weekend went by waaaaay to fast... not because of fun things I had to do.. but because of the flu!! I started feeling this way the night that my little niece was born... and since then I started feeling worse every day!! So this weekend it all came out.. I felt terrible!!! Oh well, I hope that things will go better as from today.. hehe.. (the weather is terrible too overhere.. so this doesn't help too much either.. hehe..)

As promissed in my previous post I can show you the 2 Christmas cards that I've created for CreativeXpress last month!! I've used Scenic Route papers on both cards!!! (and I've used my Cricut machine for the title!)

Tomorrow I'll be visiting my little niece again!!! So excited! I took half a day off to spend some time with my sister and her.. I hope the weather won't be too grey so I'll be able to take some 'fresh' pictures of her (I don't want to point my camera with my flash in her face the whole time... hehe..).

Oh and I have another little secret which I'll be able to reveal on December 13!!!

Ok, gotta go.. we're having dinner in a couple of minutes (Risotto.. yum yum). Thanks again for stopping by.. I'll make my blog round asap too!!!! Just loooove to read all of your blogs!!!



Janine Langer said...

Again so beautiful cards, I'd wish I could do as awesome ones as you do!

I hope you'll have a great evening!

Ingrid said...

Wow!! Gorgeous cards again, girl. Love the colors that you used on both cards. Sorry to hear that you didn't feel well.

Have a wonderful time with your sister and little niece. Will you show us another picture of Demi?

And another secret?? I am curious, sweetie!!

BTW, how did your meeting at A. go?

Sanna F said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the cards you make!!!
Hugs from Sanna

Wendy said...

Those cards are just stunning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Andi cannot wait to see some of your pages with that gorgeous baby!!!

Rozella Meijer-Kern said...

Wauwie, geweldige kaarten met mijn favoriete Scenic Route. Ben reuze benieuwd naar leuke foto's van je nichtje Demi. Weer een geheimpje. Laat het maar gauw de 13e zijn. Groetjes, Roos (Rozella)

Claire said...

Waouh, elles sont trop belles tes cartes de Noël !!!! Euh... C'est laquelle la mienne ??? lol !

Anonymous said...

Prachtige kaarten weer Nancy!!
Hopelijk voel je je gauw weer een beetje beter!
Veel plezier bij je lieve nichtje!

XxX Hanneke

Anonymous said...

Qu'est ce qu'elle sont belles encore ces cartes, j'adooore!
Bizzz...! tinou

Marja Sch said...

Ik vind ze geweldig mooi Nancy. Heel leuk zo met dat folie.

Anonymous said...

Oh I love those cards!!! Love the colors and everything about them! Sorry you weren't feeling well. My daughter got sick with the flu the morning after her 1st birthday... It was so sad! Have fun with your little niece... who is adorable by the way!!! :)

Kimberly said...

GORGEOUS creations girly! LOVE full of inspiration as always! I hope your Holiday season is filled with many special surprise blessings all month long. Have fun with your new little sweet niece too! xoxo
love ya!

Gaby Acosta said...

Your cards are fantastic, I love both. I hope you´ll be better. Enjoy your dinner. XOXO.

Lisette Gibbons said...

These cards are just stunning Nancy! Great job. xox

Brenda is SO Blessed said...

such wonderful cards. I am going to swipe a couple of ideas LOL. I have a cricut and I am sure I dont use it to it's full potential. I need to read the instruction book.
could you tell me what font you used for the cards?
I cant wait to see how your little niece has grown, and I am glad you are feeling better.

Marga said...

Oh wat zijn ze weer mooi!! Jammer dat ik al mijn kerstkaarten al af heb.. :) Prachtig!

Marjolein said...

Wow, these cards are awesome, love the bright colors you use all the time!!

Sure hope you feel better soon girl, the flue isn't nice to have hanging around for a long time! Take care of yourself!


Mimi73 said...

Mon dieu! Quel talent tu as! J'adore tes cartes ma belle Nancy! Vraiment...tes créations sont toujours à couper le souffle!

J'admire ton talent!


vroumvroum said...

WOW! Your cards are simply beautifull! J'adore les couleurs!!! Take care of yourself and give a big kiss au petit bébé...


Anonymous said...

Love your cards, joyfull and colorful. Awesome work!

dominique said...

un coup de coeur pour mpoi je trip magnifique

Fink said...

Beautiful cards as usual! They are so cute!
What a bummer to get the flu! That so sucks but sure hope you are feeling better! Hugs to you!

Anonymous said...

Wahou, elles sont trop belles tes cartes de noel, bravo !

Anna/Augusti_73 said...

I totally adore all your cards, so fun and happy and smiley! And THANK YOU so much for your kind comments in my blog, I LOVE that little "card-project-workshop" of yours! =)
All the best,


Anonymous said...

Bonjour, elles sont Superbes tes cartes j'adore ces couleurs vives ça sent bon Noêl.

Wilma said...

Wauw, ze zijn geweldig! Dat transparant is heel gaaf en de kleuren zijn yummie! Maar ja, hoe kan het ook anders met SR! :)

Rachael said...

Glad you are feeling better!!

Beautiful cards!!

Scrappermania said...

Que hermosos diseños y que bellos colores! felicidades!

Je@net said...

Wat een gave kaarten weer Nancy! Helemaal super!!
Ja, het weer is niet best hè...ach ja, lekker scprapweertje zullen we maar denken!
Hoop dat je weer een beetje opgeknapt bent!! Beterschap!

Anonymous said...

Woua woua woua !!!!! trop belles ces ptites cartes !
Bises, Elodie, la fée

*~SCRAP-GEK~* said...

super gave kaartjes Nancy! helemaal leuk! ben benieuwd naar je geheimpje, dus ik hou je blog in de gaten! ben super benieuwd naar de foto's van je kleine nichtje...kan me voorstellen dat je het super leuk vind om haar te zien! en ben je alweer een beetje opgeknapt? ik hoop van wel! fijne avond nog! groetjes marije.

M@risk@ said...

Woh, beautiful cards again, totally into X-mas. Hope you're feeling much better soon and take care of yourself. Spoil your sister and her little girl a lot.

Janny said...

ooooooh Nancy wat maak je toch mooie kaarten, deze zijn ook weer zo gaaf!
en ik hoop dat je je al weer wat beter voelt, beterschap hoor!!

maria W said...

girl i hope you are feeling better
and wow you make awesome beautiful cards i just loooooove them so much! cant wait to see more photos of the baby!:)
love ya!

My Paper World said...

They are beautiful! I love the papers!

Anonymous said...

Oh, wat een prachtige kaarten heb je weer gemaakt. Die kleuren, en dat kleine kerstboompje. Vind ze helemaal geweldig!

Lisa's Blessed A Latte said...

Super cute Nancy....Love this....I have sick kids as we speak...This too shall pass.

**Nancy** said...

oh, Nancy, sorry to hear you have the flu! Not fun! Your cards are gorgeous, girl! My new favorite *Nancy* cards! I'm lovin' the cricut fonts! When did you get that? How fun! So jealous here! Have fun with your niece! And hope you feel better soon!

FauveDesign said...

Soooooooo pretty sweety!And tell tell tell the secret!

Anonymous said...

Tes deux cartes sont magnifiques , j' aime toujours ces couleurs vives de papier que tu utilises.
Bisous Stéphanie.

Janice said...

Gorgeous my friend! Love these papers and your sytle!!
Love you TOO!

Colleen said...

These are gorgeous! Have fun with your niece and take care of yourself!

scrappermimi said...

These are the cutest cards, love how you embellished them!

Anne Thompson said...

soooo cute Nancy! (I am getting a cricut machine for xmas, I'm so excited!) I've got a bad cold here too, hope you are feeling much better soon! Anne

Mireille said...

beautiful cards sweetie!! You are inspiring.. (again!!)

Sherry Wright said...

Hope you're feeling better Nancy. Beautiful projects as always! :0)

twinsand2boys said...

Your cards rock! I especially love the Noel one!!! You are an awesome card maker!

Charlotte said...

OMG girl... those cards are AWESOME!!! Love those colors!

Hope you feel better now... I saw your work in SBM today: it rocks!

Sonia said...

Nancy, I just looovvvee your cards! I have been having such a hard time making cards lately.

Cheryl Wray said...

I just LOVE your cards!!!!!! Gorgeous, as always!!


Sylvina said...

Elles sont superbes ces cartes de Noël !!!!!!!!! J'adore !!!!!!
Dommage que je ne fasse pas partie de la liste de ceux qui vont en recevoir ;)

domestic goddess said...

those cards are gorgeous Nancy, hope you enjoyed the rissotto!
hugs xx

Marie said...

Tes cartes sont très jolies et ces couleurs gaies vont très bien aussi avec Noël!!
Bravo...ça donne envie de refaire quelques cartes tout ça!!!


Anna/Augusti_73 said...

I absolutely adore your cards - thank you so much for all the inspiration!
Merry X-mas and Happy New Year!!
